January 2016 ***Not Beginner*** Meetup

WP From A to V 

Jamie Oastler is the lead WordPress developer at Innovapost who has been steadily working his way down the WordPress solution stack from front-end designer, plugin developer, solution architect to DevOps resource since ~ WP 2.3. He also occasionally updates his Idealien Studios site. Jamie will be presenting on hanging up his cowboy coder hat, the collection of DevOps best practices for WordPress he has learned since doing so. Come on out to learn about the alphabet soup of cool tools you should add to your toolkit:

• Getting started with Vagrant / Virtual Box

• Overview of Ansible – The best IT automation tool out there

• Using them together to build local dev environments with prod parity

• How to handle delightful deploys of a 12-factor WordPress architecture

Meeting Details:

This is a meetup in our “Not Beginner” series. This series of talks is for WordPress (or related) presentations that are not at a beginner level.  Anyone at any experience level is welcome to attend, but there will be an assumption in the presentations and discussion that attendees have some knowledge of WordPress.

Senate Room, 6th Floor – Robertson Hall, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive.  Robertson Hall marked on Google: http://goo.gl/maps/1UkxO

Parking on campus requires payment, but all of the lots, including the garage just to the north of Roberson Hall, cap at $7 for the evening after 5pm. http://www5.carleton.ca/parking/visitors/parking-rates/

No donations for this meeting!  (We normally ask for a $4 donation to help cover the cost of the room and our Meetup fees, which total about $150-450/year)


7:00 – General announcements

7:10 – Presentation

8:00 – Q&A

8:30 – Wrap-up

December 2015 ***Not Beginner*** Meetup


Presentations and open discussions on Git and using Git for version control with WordPress

We’re looking for 3-5 people to present at this session.  If you would like to do a short presentation on how you use Git, or lead the discussion about Git for 10-20 minutes, please let us know.

Confirmed presenters:

Mike Dickson: Mike will share his method of using git with WordPress to enable easy version testing, rollbacks, content separation and the .gitignore file that nearly killed him.

Mike is <!– Insert bio that nobody will read here –>.

Roman Rus: Options for introducing git into the FTP workflow.

The goal is to replace working on the FTP in such way that resulting workflow is better in all regards, in particular:provide easily accessible history, backup, allow complex collaboration and be sure that we do not overwrite the changes introduced by people that still resist git and keep using FTP to directly change the files on server.

Roman has been working with WordPress since 2008, and as a freelance WordPress developer since 2011 rwebs.ca. He is a full time Web Developer at Machine Agency machine-agency.com.

Meeting Details:

This is a meetup in our “Not Beginner” series. This series of talks is for WordPress (or related) presentations that are not at a beginner level.  Anyone at any experience level is welcome to attend, but there will be an assumption in the presentations and discussion that attendees have some knowledge of WordPress.

Senate Room, 6th Floor – Robertson Hall, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive.  Robertson Hall marked on Google: http://goo.gl/maps/1UkxO

Parking on campus requires payment, but all of the lots, including the garage just to the north of Roberson Hall, cap at $7 for the evening after 5pm. http://www5.carleton.ca/parking/visitors/parking-rates/

No donations for this meeting!  (We normally ask for a $4 donation to help cover the cost of the room and our Meetup fees, which total about $150-450/year)


7:00 – General announcements

7:10 – Presentation

8:00 – Q&A

8:30 – Wrap-up

November 2015 ***Not Beginner*** Meetup

Make your life easier with nodejs based task runners

Let’s talk about task runners (specifically Gulp / Grunt) and how they can drastically improve your workflow. I’ll show you how to setup and configure a task runner (Gulp) talk about differences between the various task runners available and how to install and configure plugins.

Mike Corkum is the Senior Web Developer at Carleton University where he and his team manage a network of close to 400 WordPress installs. He has been developing for the web for almost 20 years, is a WordPress core contributor, hates short codes and loves cake.

Meeting Details:

This is a meetup in our “Not Beginner” series. This series of talks is for WordPress (or related) presentations that are not at a beginner level.  Anyone at any experience level is welcome to attend, but there will be an assumption in the presentations and discussion that attendees have some knowledge of WordPress.

Senate Room, 6th Floor – Robertson Hall, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive.  Robertson Hall marked on Google: http://goo.gl/maps/1UkxO

Parking on campus requires payment, but all of the lots, including the garage just to the north of Roberson Hall, cap at $7 for the evening after 5pm. http://www5.carleton.ca/parking/visitors/parking-rates/

No donations for this meeting!  (We normally ask for a $4 donation to help cover the cost of the room and our Meetup fees, which total about $150-450/year)


7:00 – General announcements

7:10 – Presentation

8:00 – Q&A

8:30 – Wrap-up

June 2015 ***Not Beginner*** Meetup

An introduction to writing secure WordPress code.

Stéphane Boisvert, Ottawa’s first automattician, will be giving a special preview of his WordCamp Winnipeg presentation.

He go over some of the most common attack vectors in code and how to protect against them while you write or edit a theme or plugin.

Going over:

• Escaping

• SQL sanitization

• General Sanitization / Validation

• XSS in Javascript

• current_user_can

• nonce checks

• And other security tips and tricks.

Stéphane works for Automattic, the company behind WordPress.com as a VIP Engineer helping sites stay secure and optimized. He’s been working with WordPress for over 5 years.

Meeting Details:

This is a meetup in our “Not Beginner” series. This series of talks is for WordPress (or related) presentations that are not at a beginner level.  Anyone at any experience level is welcome to attend, but there will be an assumption in the presentations and discussion that attendees have some knowledge of WordPress.

Senate Room, 6th Floor – Robertson Hall, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive.  Robertson Hall marked on Google: http://goo.gl/maps/1UkxO

Parking on campus requires payment, but all of the lots, including the garage just to the north of Roberson Hall, cap at $7 for the evening after 5pm. http://www5.carleton.ca/parking/visitors/parking-rates/

No donations for this meeting!  (We normally ask for a $4 donation to help cover the cost of the room and our Meetup fees, which total about $150-450/year)


7:00 – General announcements

7:10 – Presentation

8:00 – Q&A

8:30 – Wrap-up


April 2015 ***Not Beginner*** Meetup

V for Virtualization

Vagrant and Varying Vagrant Vagrants ( VVV ) are great tools for any WordPress developer but getting up and running with them can be confusing and intimidating.This presentation will be a practical introduction to Vagrant, it’s concepts and commands and VVV, one of the most popular Vagrant configurations for WordPress. We’ll walk through installation and setup for Vagrant and VVV, discuss Vagrant concepts such as Provisioners and Boxes, introduce VVV’s features and talk about some other tools to speed up workflow.

Please note that while Vagrant and VVV are platform agnostic, this demo will be done on a Mac using the command line.

Presented by Ryan Welcher.  Ryan is a Web developer with over 10 years experience,  a web engineer at 10up and a WordPress core contributor.

Meeting Details:

This is a meetup in our “Not Beginner” series. This series of talks is for WordPress (or related) presentations that are not at a beginner level.  Anyone at any experience level is welcome to attend, but there will be an assumption in the presentations and discussion that attendees have some knowledge of WordPress.

Senate Room, 6th Floor – Robertson Hall, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive.  Robertson Hall marked on Google: http://goo.gl/maps/1UkxO

Parking on campus requires payment, but all of the lots, including the garage just to the north of Roberson Hall, cap at $7 for the evening after 5pm. http://www5.carleton.ca/parking/visitors/parking-rates/

No donations for this meeting!  (We normally ask for a $4 donation to help cover the cost of the room and our Meetup fees, which total about $150-450/year)


7:00 – General announcements

7:10 – Presentation

8:00 – Q&A

8:30 – Wrap-up