Not Beginner
May 2020 ***Not Beginner*** Meetup – Online Event
Wednesday, May 13, 2020 7:00 PM
Online – RSVP on Meetup
Our meetups will be moving online. Details of this meeting will be updated soon. Online Meetups will start at 7pm!!
Please note our online events are being recorded. Attending the event will be taken as consent to be recorded.
Local Development Sites – Led by Miriam Goldman
Most developers use a local environment, to develop their websites, before moving them to a staging environment online. This allows you to develop without having to worry about hosting or domain names (yet). We’ll discuss why you should take this approach, and show some different options you can employ.
– All live options will be shown on a Mac, but we will discuss the Windows/Linux equivalent.
– To migrate sites to/from local environments backups are often used, so you may wish to attend the May 6th meetup prior to this one, where backups will be discussed.
Meeting Details:
This is a meetup in our “Not Beginner” series. This series is all the talks that cover anything that is “not beginner”. Talks in this series will range from not very advanced at all – just barely above beginner – to deep dive dev talks.
Anyone at any experience level is welcome to attend, but for “not beginner” talks there will be an assumption in the presentations and discussion that attendees have some knowledge of WordPress, and/or the presented topic.
April 2020 ***Not Beginner*** Meetup
Wednesday, April 8, 2020 6:00 PM
***** POSTPONED *****
Due to the recent cases of COVID-19 in Ottawa we are postponing this months meetup. We will be evaluating the situation month by month for the remaining meetups until such time as we can return to holding regular meetups. We hope that we will be able to see you back at regular meetups soon.
We will be rescheduling Joel’s talk as soon as possible once we return to regular meetups.
***** POSTPONED *****
Containerization (Docker) for Software Developers
The end is nigh. Your application is almost ready, and you will need to deploy it. And with the deployment, the endless tweaking to get everything running in a production environment. If only there were a way to test everything in that environment first. This is where containers will come in to save the day. With a container, you not only run your code in an environment similar to the production server, but it is also the production environment. In this talk, the attendees will learn about how to create container friendly applications, how to use containers to share their code with their team, and finally, how to use those same containers to deploy to a production server with minimal effort.
Presented by: Joel Lord. Joel is passionate about web and technology in general. He likes to learn new things, but most of all, he likes to share his discoveries. He does so by travelling to various conferences all around the globe.
He graduated with a college degree in computer programming back in the last millennium. Apart from a little break to get his BSc in computational astrophysics, he has always been in the industry. As a developer advocate with Red Hat OpenShift, he meets with developers to help them make the web a better place.
During his free time, he is usually found stargazing in a campsite somewhere or brewing a fresh batch of beer in his garage.
Meeting Details:
This is a meetup in our “Not Beginner” series. This series is all the talks that cover anything that is “not beginner”. Talks in this series will range from not very advanced at all – just barely above beginner – to deep dive dev talks.
Anyone at any experience level is welcome to attend, but for “not beginner” talks there will be an assumption in the presentations and discussion that attendees have some knowledge of WordPress, and/or the presented topic.
Location Details:
This meeting is at Ottawa Public Library – Main Branch, in room B125.
If you want to connect to WiFi, you will need your library card. (unless indicated otherwise above, laptops and connection to the internet are not required during the presentation)
Free parking is available on the neighbouring streets after 5:30pm. Check the signs, a couple of the closest streets are limited to 1hr before 7pm.
The room is in the basement (B125). Enter the main doors, head left, and down the stairs. (Do not enter into the actual library) Turn right at the bottom of the stairs and follow the halls to the room. The entrance is the second door to the room. (the first door is always locked)
6:00 – General announcements
6:10 – Presentation
7:00 – Q&A
7:25 – Wrap-up
January 2018 ***Not Beginner*** Meetup
Wednesday, 24 Jan 2018 7:00 PM
LoopConf talk previews! Not just one, but two of our meetup members are speaking at LoopConf ( in February and are going to preview their talks for us.
While this is a meetup in our “***Not Beginner***” series, anyone at any experience level is welcome to attend, but there will be an assumption in the presentations and discussion that attendees have prior knowledge of WordPress.
1) Developing on The Front-End: Chrome Developer Tools
Are you debugging your JavaScript by writing console.log statements – the front-end equivalent of using “echo” or “var_dump” in PHP?
Being primarily a back-end developer, I was accustomed to using XDEBUG as part of my workflow, but often fell back on rudimentary debugging skills when it came to debugging JavaScript or diagnosing performance issues from the front-end.
Enter Chrome Developer Tools. It seems that every time I look, this little window in Chrome gets more and more features that save me time and headaches debugging, testing and optimizing my web pages. Whether I’m stepping through JavaScript, Debugging CSS, Testing REST API calls, or auditing page performance, Chrome’s Developer Tools are there to help. In this session, I’ll share with you some of the features that have made this tool an essential part of my toolbox. I’ll show you how how to diagnose a page’s performance issues, audit a page for accessibility, review page security,inspect calls made to the REST API, and more.
Presented by: Shawn Hooper. Shawn has been a web developer since the mid 1990s, watching the web grow from simple and tags to the complex mix of markup and languages it is today. He is now the Director of IT at learning and development startup, as well as being a freelance WordPress developer in his “spare time”. Shawn has a few contributions to WordPress Core under his belt, and will be taking on the role of Lead Organizer for WordCamp Ottawa in 2018.
2) Refactoring the Disaster No One Is Talking About: How We’re Handling JavaScript Tech Debt in WP Migrate DB Pro
An issue a lot of WordPress teams are facing (including the current Gutenberg discussions) is how do you implement new and shiny JavaScript into an existing WordPress application?
JavaScript technical debt can be a disaster, but working with legacy code doesn’t have to be all doom and gloom. WP Migrate DB Pro has a *lot* of JavaScript tech debt in our existing codebase but how much time should our team be devoting to it versus adding new features?
In this talk, Peter (the WP Migrate DB Pro team lead), will talk through how to balance solving new problems while refactoring an old codebase.
Some of the questions Peter will address include:
– How to update your build tooling from Grunt to Webpack/npm scripts
– How to avoid rewriting your jQuery soup but still use the latest shiny JavaScript
– Switching to ES2015 syntax and modules
Very much a show-and-tell, you should walk away from this talk knowing some of the pitfalls to avoid (don’t make the same mistakes as us!) and some tricks you can implement today to help you balance this in your own JavaScript development.
Presented by: Peter Tasker. Peter is a PHP and JavaScript developer from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He currently works on refactoring all the code on the WP Migrate DB Pro team at Delicious Brains. In a previous life, he worked for marketing and public relations agencies. Loves WordPress, dislikes FTP.
Meeting Details:
This is a meetup in our “***Not Beginner***” series. This series of talks is for WordPress (or related) presentations that are not at a beginner level.
Anyone at any experience level is welcome to attend, but there will be an assumption in the presentations and discussion that attendees have some knowledge of WordPress.
Senate Room, 6th Floor – Robertson Hall (, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive.
Parking on campus requires payment, but all of the lots, including the garage just to the north of Roberson Hall, cap at $8 for the evening after 5pm.
7:00 – General announcements
7:05 – Presentations
8:30 – Wrap-up
May 2017 ***Not Beginner*** Meetup
Wednesday, 17 May 2017 7:00 PM
Undo the Mess: Use Roots for WordPress Dev
Calling all picky developers.
Let’s say I’m using WordPress for a new project. A sweet setup is important to me so I have some questions: How can I set up version control properly? Can I develop with others? When dealing with plugins, can I lock down plugin versions so I can test locally and commit when tested? Can I use Sass for style sheets and have minified css and js builds that aren’t committed to my repo? Can I use a nice template approach that’s DRY? Can I match my local dev to have parity with staging and prod? Is there a way configure the server’s provisioning in the same repo as my theme?
I’ve found a Yes for all those questions. Roots is a kit made up of 1) a smart theme system (Sage), 2) a way to package WordPress and plugins as composer dependencies and a better, more secure project structure (Bedrock) and a way to provision your local dev and servers through conventional recipes (Trellis). Use the parts you need (or all three) on your next WordPress project.
In this talk, we’ll demo building a site using the Roots kit (and the new Sage v9). Come check out this elegant way of doing WordPress dev and come meet other fans of Roots.
Presented by Pascal Laliberté, who does Web development, Interaction Design and Product Consulting. He’s a real friendly guy with some strong opinions, so come out for a chat!
Meeting Details:
This is a meetup in our “Not Beginner” series. This series of talks is for WordPress (or related) presentations that are not at a beginner level.
Anyone at any experience level is welcome to attend, but there will be an assumption in the presentations and discussion that attendees have some knowledge of WordPress.
Senate Room, 6th Floor – Robertson Hall, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive. </a>
Parking on campus requires payment, but all of the lots, including the garage just to the north of Roberson Hall, cap at $8 for the evening after 5pm. <a href=””>
No donations for this meeting! (We normally ask for a $4 donation to help cover the cost of the room and our Meetup fees, which total about $150-450/year)
7:00 – General announcements
7:10 – Q&A Lets talk WordPress
8:30 – Wrap-up
February 2016 ***Not Beginner*** Meetup
Wednesday, 17 Feb 2016 7:00 PM
Effortless REST API with Astro Javascript Framework
Anyone with basic HTML knowledge (no programming skills required) should be able to use the WordPress REST API with the help of Astro. Astro is an open source Javascript framework that renders JSON content, only using HTML.
Astro displays WordPress content anywhere that HTML is supported. The demo will include a web app, a native app and Digital Signage (Link and source to each example will be provided).
Presented by: Hector Jarquin and Ting Yang
Meeting Details:
This is a meetup in our “Not Beginner” series. This series of talks is for WordPress (or related) presentations that are not at a beginner level. Anyone at any experience level is welcome to attend, but there will be an assumption in the presentations and discussion that attendees have some knowledge of WordPress.
Senate Room, 6th Floor – Robertson Hall, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive. Robertson Hall marked on Google:
Parking on campus requires payment, but all of the lots, including the garage just to the north of Roberson Hall, cap at $7 for the evening after 5pm.
No donations for this meeting! (We normally ask for a $4 donation to help cover the cost of the room and our Meetup fees, which total about $150-450/year)
7:00 – General announcements
7:10 – Presentation
8:00 – Q&A
8:30 – Wrap-up