April 2018 WordPress Meet-Up

Gutenberg: News and Views.

Gutenberg, is the new editor (and more) for WordPress. This is perhaps one of the biggest changes ever made to WordPress. Gutenberg is expected to be officially released sometime in April with release 5.0 of WordPress. It is currently available as a plugin at: https://wordpress.org/plugins/gutenberg/ for beta testing.

Tentative plans: With the impending release, it seems like a good time take a look at Gutenberg and what it may affect on your WordPress website. The plan is to have discussions and possibly presentations on Gutenberg and things you may need to to be aware of on your site before upgrading. More details to come.

Meeting Details:

This months meeting is at Patty Bolands, 101 Clarence St. We have the room called “The Abbey”.


6:00 – General announcements

6:10 – Presentation

7:00 – Q&A

7:30 – Wrap-up