June 2015 ***Not Beginner*** Meetup
Wednesday, 10 Jun 2015 7:00 PM
An introduction to writing secure WordPress code.
Stéphane Boisvert, Ottawa’s first automattician, will be giving a special preview of his WordCamp Winnipeg presentation.
He go over some of the most common attack vectors in code and how to protect against them while you write or edit a theme or plugin.
Going over:
• Escaping
• SQL sanitization
• General Sanitization / Validation
• XSS in Javascript
• current_user_can
• nonce checks
• And other security tips and tricks.
Stéphane works for Automattic, the company behind WordPress.com as a VIP Engineer helping sites stay secure and optimized. He’s been working with WordPress for over 5 years.
Meeting Details:
This is a meetup in our “Not Beginner” series. This series of talks is for WordPress (or related) presentations that are not at a beginner level. Anyone at any experience level is welcome to attend, but there will be an assumption in the presentations and discussion that attendees have some knowledge of WordPress.
Senate Room, 6th Floor – Robertson Hall, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive. Robertson Hall marked on Google: http://goo.gl/maps/1UkxO
Parking on campus requires payment, but all of the lots, including the garage just to the north of Roberson Hall, cap at $7 for the evening after 5pm. http://www5.carleton.ca/parking/visitors/parking-rates/
No donations for this meeting! (We normally ask for a $4 donation to help cover the cost of the room and our Meetup fees, which total about $150-450/year)
7:00 – General announcements
7:10 – Presentation
8:00 – Q&A
8:30 – Wrap-up