April 2015 ***Not Beginner*** Meetup

V for Virtualization

Vagrant and Varying Vagrant Vagrants ( VVV ) are great tools for any WordPress developer but getting up and running with them can be confusing and intimidating.This presentation will be a practical introduction to Vagrant, it’s concepts and commands and VVV, one of the most popular Vagrant configurations for WordPress. We’ll walk through installation and setup for Vagrant and VVV, discuss Vagrant concepts such as Provisioners and Boxes, introduce VVV’s features and talk about some other tools to speed up workflow.

Please note that while Vagrant and VVV are platform agnostic, this demo will be done on a Mac using the command line.

Presented by Ryan Welcher.  Ryan is a Web developer with over 10 years experience,  a web engineer at 10up and a WordPress core contributor.

Meeting Details:

This is a meetup in our “Not Beginner” series. This series of talks is for WordPress (or related) presentations that are not at a beginner level.  Anyone at any experience level is welcome to attend, but there will be an assumption in the presentations and discussion that attendees have some knowledge of WordPress.

Senate Room, 6th Floor – Robertson Hall, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive.  Robertson Hall marked on Google: http://goo.gl/maps/1UkxO

Parking on campus requires payment, but all of the lots, including the garage just to the north of Roberson Hall, cap at $7 for the evening after 5pm. http://www5.carleton.ca/parking/visitors/parking-rates/

No donations for this meeting!  (We normally ask for a $4 donation to help cover the cost of the room and our Meetup fees, which total about $150-450/year)


7:00 – General announcements

7:10 – Presentation

8:00 – Q&A

8:30 – Wrap-up