Ottawa WordPress Meet-up, March 4, 2015
Wednesday, 04 Mar 2015 6:00 PM
WordPress Q&A
Jasmine Vesque, Ryan Welcher, Rick Radko and other experienced WordPress Guru’s will field questions from the group. Bring your WordPress questions and we’ll do our best to answer them.
6:00 – General announcements
6:05 – Open WordPress Q&A
7:00 – Open help session “Happiness Bar” – get answers to your WordPress questions one on one.
Meeting Details:
We have a private space reserved downstairs. Enter the main doors, turn left, and down the stairs.
No donations for this meeting! If attendees buy enough food etc. from the pub it covers our tab. (We normally ask for a $4 donation to help cover the cost of the room and our Meetup fees, which total about $150-450/year)