Ottawa WordPress Meet-up, Dec. 5th, 2012

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Wednesday, December 5, 2012, 6:00 PM
Ottawa Library, Main Branch

“Ask the Expert & 200 Member Celebration”

Join in the fun, we’re celebrating reaching 200 members!  Chat with topic experts on WordPress and related topics like infrastructure and SEO.  It’s your chance to direct the discussion to what ever YOU want to learn about WordPress.  Bring all your questions, beginner to expert, there will be 5 to 7 identified “Topic Experts” on hand to answer your questions one on one or in small groups. Of course you can discuss your questions with anyone else there too!  We’ll have some refreshments and snacks on hand to help you keep your voice in top speaking condition.

Topic Experts: (more may be added)

Dave Adams of DS Communications works on the admin, optimization, security and the required infrastructures for 15 WordPress sites. For example, one of my sites averaging 500 Visits and 1000 pages views a day. Talk to Dave about: WordPress + infrastructure.

Stéphane Boisvert is a Senior Digital Advisor for Bob Rae, Leader of the Liberal party. Stéphane is part of the team that runs the network of sites. He has been working with WordPress since 2009 and with PHP and MySQL since 2002. Talk to Stéphane about: WordPress + multi-site, BuddyPress & optimizations.

Jackson Lo is an SEO Consultant specializing in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Local Search Optimization. Talk to Jackson about: WordPress + SEO.

Richard Martin is an online entrepreneur. He created and manages a site that provides health services to clients and continuing education training for health professionals. Before going online he did product marketing in Silicon Valley with several companies including Apple, Cisco and Broadcom. Richard now lives in Ottawa. Talk to Richard about: WordPress + how an effective blogging and video strategy can drive clients to your WordPress site.

Rick Radko of R-Cubed Design Forge, is a designer and developer specializing in custom web applications and multilingual WordPress sites. He is also a seasoned WordCamp presenter, and has published WordPress plugins. Talk to Rick about: WordPress + multilingual sites, multi-site, backups and site migration.

Jasmine Vesque is the Communications Marketing Manager for a group of five companies. She maintains their online presence through web design, development, and maintenance, and social media management. She also works as a freelance web and graphic designer. The only thing she loves more than building websites with WordPress, is sharing her knowledge with others. Jasmine recently shared her knowledge as a Ladies Learning Code mentor. Talk to Jasmine about: WordPress.


Meeting Details:

If you want to connect to WiFi, you will need your library card.

Free parking is available on the neighbouring streets after 5:30pm.  Check the signs, a couple of the closest streets are limited to 1hr before 7pm.

The classroom is downstairs. Enter the main doors, head left, and down the stairs.  (Do not enter into the actual library)  Turn right at the bottom of the stairs and follow the halls to the room.

We ask for a $4 donation to help cover the cost of the room and our Meetup fees, which total about $450/year  – Exact Change would be greatly appreciated!



6:00 – General announcements

6:05 – Ask the expert and network!

8:00 – End