Ottawa WordPress Meet-up, May 9th, 2012

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012, 6:00 PM
Ottawa Library, Main Branch

“How to WordPress: The basics” – Part 1 of 2

An introduction to creating your own website (or blog) using WordPress. At the end of this series you should have an understanding of how WordPress works and be able to create a basic site.

In part 1 (May 9th) we will: get acquainted with the WordPress dashboard, discover the WordPress settings panel, learn how to add content, including images and video, add and manage menus and sidebar widgets.

In part 2 (June 13th) we will: checkout more settings and learn how to adjust your site setup, create and manage users, look at the resources available on, learn how to install and manage plugins, go through the WordPress update process.

OPTIONAL: If you would like to work along on WordPress during the presentation, please bring your laptop (and your library card to connect to the internet). To work along, you will need WordPress installed at a web host or on your laptop.  We will not have time to install WordPress during the main presentation. If you would like help installing WordPress, please join the “Install Camp” meetup at 5:15.

Meeting Details:

To connect to WiFi, you need your library card.

Free parking is available on the neighboring streets after 5:30pm.  Check the signs, a couple of streets are limited to 1hr before 7pm.

The classroom is downstairs. Enter the main doors, head left, and down the stairs.  (Do not enter into the actual library)  Turn right at the bottom of the stairs and follow the halls to the room.

Please bring $4 for the cost of the meeting. Exact Change would be greatly appreciated!


6:00 – General announcements

6:05 – Presentation

Title: How to WordPress: the basics

Speaker: Rick Radko – R-Cubed Design Forge

Level: Beginner

Summary: A session of basic how to’s, useful plugins and tips for the WordPress novice, but there will be some gems for users with experience too.

7:30 – Mingle and Network, Q&A