Ottawa WordPress Meet-up, February 8th, 2012
- Date
- Wednesday, February 8, 2012, 6:00 PM
- Venue
- Ottawa Library, Main Branch
- Dave Adams
- 10 Mins
- Rick Radko
- 10 Mins
- All
- 10 Mins
Don’t: “Just paste this code in your functions.php” – as presented at WordCamp Toronto – Rick Radko – 40 Mins
When you want to add functionality to your WordPress blog with a code snippet from the web, where should you paste it? The source sites say “Just paste this code in your functions.php”, but themes installed from are now part of the update system. When they update, they will overwrite your functions.php and you will lose your code!
This talk will show you how to easily create your own personal upgrade safe places to save your code snippets and theme changes. This presentation is geared towards everyone who uses WordPress.
Hope to see you all at the next meeting… and bring a friend!
Parking is on the street.
The classroom is downstairs in the small classroom.
Please make sure to bring $4 for the cost of the meeting… Exact Change would be greatly appreciated