Attend our next meeting to learn more about WordPress, meet other WordPress users, share ideas, projects and other information.

There are 2 meeting tracks:

  1. The "General" track, usually meets the first Wednesday of the month.  This track includes beginner WordPress topics and general topics like SEO.
  2. The "Not Beginner" track, occasionally meets on select Wednesdays of some months. This series is all the talks that cover anything that is "not beginner". Talks in this series will range from not very advanced at all - just barely above beginner - to deep dive dev talks. Anyone at any experience level is welcome to attend, but some prior knowledge of WordPress is expected at "not beginner" talks.

Most meetings are presentations that do not require you to bring a laptop. Meetings that are "Workshops" will generally require that you have laptop, and we will have WiFi available.  If laptops are needed it will be noted in the description.

WordPress learning, for everyone!
Beginners welcome!

October 2024 Ottawa Meetup – Intro to containers and wp-env for WordPress

Intro to containers and wp-env for WordPress
We all have heard about the cloud or we run our apps on the cloud. This talk introduces the technology behind cloud services and how this technology called containers can also be applied to WordPress development.

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September 2024 Ottawa Meetup – Social

Social get together
Join us for an informal, in-person social event.

Venue: The Royal Oak, 180 Kent st.
Look/ask for the WordPress meetup

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